The Gunpowder Plot: Oppression and Broken Promises, the Road map to the planning of an Atrocity
Free talk
Hi History Lover!
Had the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ succeeded and the barrels of gunpowder hidden beneath the House of Lords exploded as King James I of England presided over the State Opening of Parliament on 5th November 1603, it would arguably have been as etched into this nation’s collective memory (and perhaps further afield) as 1066. As it is, ‘Bonfire Night’ is now more a mark of Autumn starting and ‘not-long-till-Chrismtas’ vibes. Yet, dad it succeeded it would have killed the entire ruling class, in the building in which state management took place, ripping out the heart of government, and with nothing to replace it. The result could have been nationwide anarchy.
In my talk, 'The Gunpowder Plot: Oppression and Broken Promises, the Road map to the planning of an Atrocity' I explore the complex reasoning behind the most notorious plot in British history, and how it was doomed to fail, even if the gunpowder had exploded!
The talk was recorded for The Stuarts Online History Festival March 2024. It was one of 6 talks, still available to buy as a pack for just £22! Click Here
You can still catch all of the talks which were included in The Stuarts Online History Festival 2024 by clicking here.
The other talks were:
Gareth Russell: The Life of a Stuart Queen. Anna of Denmark
Prof Alice Hunt: Oliver Cromwell and the English Republic
Andrea Zuvich - Royal Mistresses. The Tenuous Power of Beauty at the Stuart court
Julian Humphrys - A Hunted King: The Escape of Charles II after the Battle of Worcester
Katie Wignall - The Great Fire of London. Virtual walking tour of the city of London following the story of this harrowing event.
Until next time, take care!